Electrical Solutions

Electrical Projects, Lighting Projects, Maintenance, Installations, Photovoltaic Generation, Residential and Industrial Automation

gray metal power station
gray metal power station
We are an electrical engineering services company specializing in automation, electrical projects, electrical maintenance, electrical installation, power generation and lighting projects.
white electric power generator
white electric power generator


Industrial Automation

a factory filled with lots of orange machines
a factory filled with lots of orange machines

Electric Projects

Electrical Maintenance

man in brown and white plaid dress shirt and yellow hard hat holding black and orange
man in brown and white plaid dress shirt and yellow hard hat holding black and orange
gray vehicle being fixed inside factory using robot machines
gray vehicle being fixed inside factory using robot machines


blue solar panel
blue solar panel

We carry out industrial automation projects, providing more productivity and security for your business.

Solar Energy

We offer solar energy generation solutions, helping you save on your electricity bills.

Industrial Projects

We create personalized projects, highlighting environments, increasing your productivity and valuing your company.

We offer lighting projects for your business to adapt to Brazilian standards.

Lighting Project
black car on parking lot during daytime
black car on parking lot during daytime
EVCS (Electric Vehicle Charging Station)

Team specialized in sizing and installing vehicle chargers for your home or company.
